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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 16, 2009

    JSON has gained a lot of popularity recently – and with good reason, in my opinion. It’s fairly easy to work with, a lot more compact than XML and quite flexible. Especially javascript frameworks like JQuery has helped JSON win ground – and...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 15, 2009

    When building a scheduled job (a class with the ScheduledPlugIn attribute) it can sometimes be of interest to know when the job was last successfully run. One such example is a job that fetches data from an external source and only needs to get da...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 15, 2009

    Background Have you ever delivered documentation, manuals or user guides to a customer in the form of PDF, Word documents or similar in the past? Unless you just “dare say no to documentation”, my guess is the answer is ‘yes’! However, Word...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 15, 2009

    I experienced some downtime on my blog due to some problem with Blogger FTP publishing feature. It is unfortunate to see that Blogger is not able to handle forum support anymore except major percent of the blogs stop working. My atom.xml and rss.x...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 13, 2009

    A little know fact is that you can install a proxy server for your TFS server . This is extremely helpful if you want to boost your remote TFS experience, or your build machine performance. The way the proxy works is that it caches all downloaded...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 13, 2009

    I veckan publicerade vi en rapport över vad folk söker efter på svenska kommunwebbar. Rapporten har uppmärksammats av både lokala och nationella medier, bland annat en artikel i Dagens Samhälle. Vi på Euroling tror att det stora intresset för...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 13, 2009

    Jag fick en fråga via mejl från en av deltagarna på det seminarie som jag och min kollega Gunnar Södersten höll i under EPiServerdagarna. Jag tänkte att det kanske är fler därute som har samma funderingar och delar därför med...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 13, 2009

    As you may be aware of we used something called wildcard mappings on IIS 6 to be able to trap all requests inside EPiServer CMS, that also meant that we took care of delivery of static files even outside the VPP-folders. So, for example the expira...