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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 03, 2009

    A while back, when the EPiServer Community team was tweaking the performance of our Video Service, we found some weird facts about upload performance of different browsers. Especially about our beloved Firefox , which is my own personal favorite i...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 03, 2009

    Tihomir Ignatov who recently joined Microsoft has powered up his blog with a series of posts about SharePoint and MOSS . Make sure to follow his blog for more interesting stuff. Together with Tisho, Microsoft and Abilitics we founded SharePoint Us...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 03, 2009

    Dynamic properties versus page properties As you probably know, dynamic properties are like page properties in many ways, except they do not need to be set specifically on a per-page basis. Dynamic property values are inherited in the page tree....

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 03, 2009

    The one thing I was missing the most when I started to try and learn MSBuild was a workflow that shows different events that are happening during MSBuild process. Fortunately Martin Danner has prepared a complete MSBuild Target Map that shows on...

  • Posted on: Feb 02, 2009

    Ever had any trouble with the icons in Edit mode getting in the way of each other?   If you get this behavior make sure that you have the \App_Browsers\IE6.browser file in your website. And that it is accessible by the IIS. This file specifies an...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 02, 2009

    The other day I faced a problem where I wanted to extract a project from our TFS and sending it to one of our partners. It was a small sample project to show off how you could extend EPiServer Community and utilize the Common Framework which is...

  • Posted on: Feb 01, 2009

    Whenever I encounter a problem with EPiServer I can't really figure out, usually the first thing I do is create a log while reproducing the error. Logs are one of my best friends when it comes to troubleshooting. Often I don't know what I'm lookin...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 30, 2009

    Another module has been added to our Open Source initiative. Search Engine Sitemaps is the old EPiGoogleSitemaps but now you can make your own changes that fits your needs. The project can be found on epicode . This module makes it easy for search...