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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 20, 2009

    I'm just back from NDC 2009 , a three day conference in Oslo which I attended with Kalle Hoppe and Emil Cardell . It has been a truly great experince, much thanks to a great set of speakers such as Robert C. Martin, Scott Hanselman, Phil Haack, Ma...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 19, 2009

    Now that I get to use EPiServer CMS v5, I’m having approximately 165.3% more fun that I was with version 4.6.  I can actually find information about 5 easily on the internet, brilliant!  What I do find dismally disappointing though is the state of...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 19, 2009

    I recently came across a website for a hospital and noticed an error message that seemed familiar: The error message states: [Error: Property is contained in a page/control/template that does not have a current page.] Solution The solution/explana...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 18, 2009

    I’ve been working on a couple of things lately in EPiServer that I want to be able to easily re-use on other projects.  From my point of view that means just dropping DLLs in folders and letting EPiServer do as much of the work as possible.  One o...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 18, 2009

    EPiServer released EPiServer CMS 5 about 2 years ago but I was still surprised today when I noticed that it’s impossible to install EPiServer 4.x using the normal online installation with the installation manager provided by EPiServer. Avantime ha...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 16, 2009

    EPiServer Extension Methods part 1 From LinkItemCollection to PageDataCollection public static PageDataCollection ToPageDataCollection(this LinkItemCollection linkItemCollection) { var pageDataCollection = new PageDataCollection(); foreach (var...

  • Posted on: Jun 16, 2009

    For a while now you have been able to rate articles and blog posts, as well as see most viewed, most popular and a Tag Cloud for each. These items are standard CMS pages but with a custom made EPiServer Community Module hooked up, aka PageEntity....

  • Posted on: Jun 16, 2009

    I often find myself debugging sites that run on machines that have a lot of sites up and running. So when I need to attach my VS to the process I usually have at least three (often more) w3wp.exe processes running. A neat little command that my...