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Background One of the top developer feature request I have heard during my years at EPiServer has been to be able to store settings for a property. In EPiServer CMS 5 an administrator has had the possibility to select which plugins should be...
Background Since the introduction of the new property-architecture in EPiServer CMS 5 the properties for a page have been separated into two classes. The data class deriving from PropertyData and the presentation class implementing IPropertyContro...
Time for part two of Introduction to PostSharp, part one can be found here Introduction to PostSharp - Part 1 . In part two we will focus on PostSharp.Core. With PostSharp.Laos we get nice base classes that we just add our code to and PostSharp do...
People keep quoting random EPiServer version numbers at me and saying ‘what version is that?’. I can understand why they ask – maybe I’m a little dumb but I can’t find the version numbers in one nice easy place either. So, in the interests of a...
I had some problems with log4net not logging my site at all. It just created empty(0kB) log files, turned out to be missing write permissions to the log files directory. But the interesting thing is how i found it by logging log4net by just adding...
PostSharp is a tool to make Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) a reality on the .NET (C#) platform. In this two part blog post I will try to give you a quick start into using PostSharp in your own programs. I will present two examples and try to...
This post provides an introduction to the Dynamic Data Store, or DDS, which was introduced with EPiServer 6.
The how-to of EPiServer page providers is covered in a variety of places - the best place to start is EPiServer's white paper on the subject which contains an XML-based page provider sample. It all looks simple enough from the outset, but it's onl...