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Alexander Haneng
Jan 23, 2013
(1 votes)

Getting EPiServer 6 custom properties to work in EPiServer 7: Cannot create and populate list type…

When working on getting EPiImage to work in EPiServer 7 I ran into the following error when publishing or auto saving an EPiImageGalleryProperty.




From the error message I guessed it had something to do with the JSON communication used in the new UI.


Turns out that since EPiImageGalleryProperty stores its data as an EPiImageGalleryImageCollection object, EPiServer 7 doesn’t know how to serialize it as a JSON object. But how can we tell EPiServer explicitly how to do the serialization?


Luckily Linus Ekström (EPiServer Sweden) helped me out with some sample code:

using System;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace EPiServer.Cms.Shell.Json
    /// <summary>
    /// Json converter thas handles conversion between 
    /// <see cref="Url"/> and <see cref="string"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public class UrlConverter : JsonConverter
        public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
            return typeof(Url).IsAssignableFrom(objectType);
        public override object ReadJson(
            JsonReader reader, 
            Type objectType, 
            object existingValue, 
            JsonSerializer serializer)
            return (reader.Value == null) ? null : 
                new Url(reader.Value.ToString());
        public override void WriteJson(
            JsonWriter writer, 
            object value, 
            JsonSerializer serializer)
            var url = value as Url;
            if (url == null || url.IsEmpty())


This class which inherits from JsonConverter tells EPiServer 7 how to do the conversion of a EPiServer.Url to Json (meaning a string representation) and back again.


I can create my own Json converter for EPiImageGalleryImageCollection like this:

using System;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace MakingWaves.EPiImage.EPiImage.Code
    /// <summary>
    /// Json converter that handles conversion between 
    /// EPiImageGalleryImageCollectionConverter 
    /// and string for the new EPiServer 7 UI
    /// </summary>
    public class EPiImageGalleryImageCollectionJsonConverter : JsonConverter
        public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
            return typeof(EPiImageGalleryImageCollection).IsAssignableFrom(objectType);
        public override object ReadJson(
            JsonReader reader, 
            Type objectType, 
            object existingValue, 
            JsonSerializer serializer)
            if (reader.Value == null)
                return null;
            return new EPiImageGalleryImageCollection(reader.Value.ToString());
        public override void WriteJson(
            JsonWriter writer, 
            object value, 
            JsonSerializer serializer)
            EPiImageGalleryImageCollection gallery = value 
                as EPiImageGalleryImageCollection;
            if (gallery == null || gallery.Count == 0)


For it to work I also needed to do the following changes to my existing EPiImage code:

1. Create a ToString method for EPiImageGalleryImageCollection that accurately serialized the data in the object to a string. As it consists of a List<EPiImageGalleryImage> I also need to:

2. Create a ToString method for EPiImageGalleryImage that accurately serialized the data in the object to a string

3. Create a constructor method for EPiImageGalleryImageCollection that could take in the serialized string as a parameter to recreate the object

4. Create a constructor method for EPiImageGalleryImage that could take in the serialized string as a parameter to recreate the object


If you are converting your own custom property to work with EPiServer 7, I thought this code might guide you in the right direction Smile

Jan 23, 2013


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