Anders Hattestad
Jan 31, 2011
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Page structure from pages tagged with a category

With some small modifications of my code of displaying a sub structure of pages on an other page we can now so all pages tagged with one category in the page tree.

This can be used for instance to display a list of front page news items, and one could point to that page to retrieve all pages tagged with that category.


The page that are returned are a stub of the orignal page, and uses the fetch data from to retrieve the other properties. The ACL is from the original page.

It seems that you can edit, but the save method doesn't do anything yet.

You add it in the episerver.config like this, and GetPagesTagedWith is either the category name or the ID.

Code Snippet
  1. <pageProvider>
  2.   <providers>
  3.     <add name="FrontPageNews" type="Itera.PageProviders.CategoryPageProvider, EPiServer.Templates.RelatePlus"
  4.            entryPoint="69" GetPagesTagedWith="FrontPageNews"/>
  5.   </providers>
  6. </pageProvider>


The code is available here

Jan 31, 2011


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