K Khan
May 15, 2018
(3 votes)

Co Shopping

Think about the scenarios like,

On an e-commerce website, 70% of customers are leaving shopping after adding items to Carts, One of the many factors is that customer wants to explore products more.
Can we offer them an opportunity that they could discuss products with their peers during their shopping?

A new client Join a music store online, but he is not getting same music that his/her friend has gotten. The customer wants his/her friend to add some music to the cart or at least could advise where he/she could find.

Its a beer party at my location, I want to allow my friends to buy beers of their choice, all delivered right on my place.


Along with my colleague Wessel Terpstra, I did a presentation at Stockholm Ascend 2018 to answer those challenges where we empowered Quick Silver with SignalR to allow two different customers join a single shopping session where they could share products instantly in real time and can add products into friends cart also to improve conversion.

What is SignalR?

In short, SignalR provides a simple API for creating server-to-client remote procedure calls that call JavaScript functions in client browsers from server-side .NET code. SignalR also includes API for connection management (for instance, connect and disconnect events), and grouping connections.

Example Code can be found at GIT

May 15, 2018


Jafet Valdez
Jafet Valdez May 16, 2018 05:01 PM

Very interesting presentations at Ascend! :) 

My thoughts on potential usages went towards online food markets. A family could do their food shopping for a week collaboratively. 

K Khan
K Khan May 16, 2018 05:08 PM

Thanks Jafet, for comments and for attending our session also as most of the developers were trapped in the magic of cognitive services laughing. This obviously can help increase conversions, feel free to get in touch if you need this demo for your clients.

Sebastian Enberget
Sebastian Enberget May 18, 2018 11:19 AM

I was going to watch the "cognitive services" but since I had to go out of the room for a quick phone call 5min before it started and saw the line when I got back I figured out I would rather watch this. And I'm really glad I did, because this is something I can see I can use in production. Mostly for our b2b solution where our sellers can create and co shop with their customers while on phone (or even make a chat? hmm)

The reason I didn't feel like going for this presentation was the Title... if you had called it something like "Use SignalR to make a better co shopping experience" then I think more people would have come ;)

But yeah, it was a great presenation and glad you have uploaded the source code! Thanks for that


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