Jafet Valdez

Jafet Valdez

 Alias: Jafet Valdez
 Company: Episerver Community
 Location: Sweden

CRP Information

Level: Participating Citizen
Total contribution points: 466 (gain 284 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Posted on: Oct 22, 2018

Hello World. Display Options are a great way for you to give your content editors the ability to change how blocks and other content are displayed ...

Posted on: Sep 20, 2018

Hello World. In this post I'll show you how to modify UISignInManager so that it does not fully rely on the ReturnUrl query parameter for redirects...

Posted on: Jun 17, 2018

Hello world. Welcome to my first blog post here on Episerver World! :D Today I thought that I’d share one of my most commonly used tools to diagnos...