Release Date: Dec 19, 2013

About this download package

This is the download for the asset migration tool which simplifies the process of migrating assets from a pre-7.5 Commerce site to a 7.5 Commerce, moving the assets into the new Episerver media system. The tool requires a working EPiServer 7.5 Commerce installation.

For information on how to install and use the migration tool, refer to Migrating assets to the media system in the Episerver Commerce Developer Guide.

Note: After downloading the zip file and before extracting the files included, right-click on the zip file, select Properties and Unblock if needed. Make sure that the extracted files are all unblocked if you have problems compiling the solution.

Asset migration and upgrading Commerce

When upgrading Commerce to add the latest updates using NuGet, the recommended approach is to first apply the asset migration tool to your Commerce 7.5 site. Then continue by upgrading to Commerce 7.6.1, and then to the latest. Refer to Installing EPiServer updates and Commerce-specific updating steps for more information.