Release Date: 26 June 2009

Relate+ v. 1.0 SP1

This service release of Relate+ covers a number of bug fixes in the API’s and in the administration interface, as well as some new features. Find out more in the Release Notes for Relate+ 1.0 SP1.

Note: In this version (1.0 SP1) of Episerver Relate+, Episerver Mail is included in the installation, in comparison to the previous version (1.0) where Episerver Mail was installed separately.

License information

License for Episerver Relate+ can be ordered from the Episerver License Center.

Related documentation

» System requirements for Relate+

» Installation instructions for Relate+

» Release Notes for Episerver Relate+ 1.0 SP1

» Relate+ Templates Developer Guide

» Relate+ Templates User Guide