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Password change

j j
j j

Hi guys!

Current version of EPiServer: CMS 5.1 


I wanna chage user password, it's easy:

MemberShip.User = Membership.GetUser();

user.ChangePassword(current, newPassword);


But how can I change password without supplying current password?

I know that I can retrivew current password using:


but I do not want to change membership configuration (this affects security).


How does EPiServer change password in Admin area (there are just two fields new password and confirm password)?!


I not want to reset password. 

Apr 18, 2008 16:34

This is how we do it:

string temporaryPassword = membershipUser.ResetPassword(); membershipUser.ChangePassword(temporaryPassword, Password.Text);
Apr 18, 2008 17:06

Does this function work for episerver cms 4.62?

Edited, Aug 22, 2008 11:08

In 4.* version this works.

int SidID = X;
UserSid userSid = UserSid.Load(SidID);
string strPwd = "abcdefg123"

Aug 25, 2008 9:58
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.