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Only in Live - Wildcard Custom Redirects not working (BVN 404 handler)


Hi Guys,

I'm using the BVN 404 handler nuget package to do redirects in my episerver website.

I have a developer, staging and live enviroment.

One of the redirect rules I have is a wild card one. (Box checked)

so for example:

OLD URL: /uk/products/

Should go to the NEW URL


as I have the wild card box ticked

/uk/products/productname - Should also be redirected.

This is working in my developer and staging enviroments, but the WILD CARD is not working on our live website. 

So on live you only get redirected if the URL is the exact match... So


 that will work and you are redirected. but it only half works in live becuase


is not working in live but is working locally and in our staging enviroment.

I can't work out why, I have checked on the live server to make sure there are no other IIS re-write rules that may be conflicting, I have also made sure we have the same rules in both enviroments, but it still is not working. 

Does anyone have any ideas about what could cuase this?

What other things can I check on live?

Any ideas?

Apr 25, 2018 15:46

I would recommend turn on extra logging and check fiddler to see whats going on.

<logger name="BVNetwork.NotFound"
    <level value="All" />
    <appender-ref ref="debugLogAppender"/>
Apr 26, 2018 0:00

Where would the results of this log go to?

Apr 27, 2018 17:06

@Ayo, Aniket is referring to the troubleshooting title on the add-on GitHub page. So he is suggesting that you add logging from the handler - that is added to your EpiserverLog.config file (assuming you haven't replaced the default logging framework). The configuration assumes you have an appender named 'debugLogAppender' but there is not such appender in the default configuration.

So what you can do is copy the default 'errorFileLogAppender' and paste that to the EpiserverLog.config and change the 'name' attribute value to 'debugLogAppender' (or what ever name you want to use but then also change the appender-ref ref="xxx" to the same value). Also change the treshold valu to 'All' so that the appender will log everything from 'logger'. And also change the 'File' value in the appender where you want the log file to be created.

You might get answer from Geta guys if you post this issue to the add-ons forum or even better by directly creating issue in GitHub.

Episerver logging with log4net documentation. The official documentation for the log4net framework.

Apr 29, 2018 8:27
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