Episerver Forms in IE8



i'm working on a website with episerver forms and while doing some browser compatability testing i have found that none of my forms work in IE8. I have tested the forms on the alloy test site and i get the same behaviour, which implies that this is the default functionality of Episerver Forms.

can anyone confirm if Episerver Forms is supposed to work with Internet Explorer 8 ? the website has been using xforms previously and i think they work in IE8 so the client is likely to want the same level of functionality for their new forms.

if the js will not work with IE8 at all then i will have to find a way to turn off the javascript when the visitor is using IE8 or less. can anyone think of an alternative?



Dec 02, 2016 13:28

Just wanted to update this in case anyone is trying the same thing. It has been confirmed to me via a support ticket that the episerver forms js will not work in internet explorer 8. This is also mentioned in the big thread about forms here:

What i want to be able to do is to prevent the forms javascript from being rendered if the user is in ie8. In theory this can be done easily using a conditional comment (eg. ‘<!--[if lt IE 9]>’) but i can't work out where the js code is being injected onto the page so i don't know what to comment out. We have used this approach to hide js elsewhere on our site so it's really frustrating that there is no information available from episerver about how the js is rendered.

The solution we have settled on is to hide the forms in ie8 and instead show a message explaining that their browser is out of date and encouraging them to upgrade.

I would love to hear from anyone who has found a better solution.



Dec 14, 2016 10:19

IE8 is not officially supported by episerver anymore.

Dec 16, 2016 0:51


Forms registers its scripts like this:

var requiredResources = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IRequiredClientResourceList>();
requiredResources.RequireScriptInline(saveOriginalJQuery, "EPiServerForms_saveOriginalJQuery.js", new List<string> { }).AtHeader();

In order to remove or to make condition the scripts, I think you can do in the site template.

And the template site (let say Alloy MVC) have this http://world.episerver.com/documentation/Items/Developers-Guide/Episerver-CMS/9/Client-resources/Client-resources/#Rendering_the_required_client_resources

Dec 19, 2016 4:30

thanks for the info THACH, although i haven't been able to completely solve my problem you have helped me understand how episerver Forms and other plugins actually work. i have updated my sites main template with:

<!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->

this means that all scripts & styles in required client resources will not be rendered for ie8 users. This fixed the problem i was having but it is pretty crude and i would advise against copying this approach unless you are absolutely sure that the experience for ie8 users will not be considerably compromised by removing these scripts.



Dec 19, 2016 15:37

We are plan for AFORM-895, Create the ability to fall back to a non Js version per visitor

 - we will be able to disable the JS for users of IE8/9.

 - I hope it will solve your problem easier.

Jan 06, 2017 9:50
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