Asynchronous step submit



For performance and styling purposes we're required to post the steps of a form asynchronously. I haven't been able to find any information regarding this. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Kind regards

Apr 30, 2019 10:09


I really don't get your point.

Can you give us more details/your scenarios about what you're trying to implement. ?

Edited, May 06, 2019 8:46


What I'm trying to achieve is creating a multi-step form where hitting the next step button does not reload the page, but requests the next step asynchronously. Basically an AJAX form.

May 09, 2019 16:11

Hello Bram,

In my experience, multi-step forms should not post by default when navigating from step to step, but you may experience postbacks between steps if you do not have the the correct javascript loaded.

Can you confirm that you have @Html.RequiredClientResources("Footer") in the <footer> and @Html.RequiredClientResources("Header") in the <head> on the page of which you form is being used?

Edited, May 10, 2019 17:41


If Javascript is enabled, navigating between steps does not reload the page.

May 15, 2019 8:33
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