Removing div tag before dynamic content



I have added dynamic content in a property. When it render on page, it comes under <div> tag. Please help me to render dynamic content data without <div> tag.

Thanks in advance...


Nov 19, 2010 17:33

Are you using the default Page Property dynamic content which is included in the default install?

If so, I think it depends on the underlying property you're including.  I'm reflecting thought that class, and I see that the dynamic content instatiates an EPiServer Property control based on the property you're including.  I don't know the exact rules, but an XHTML property, for instance, might be surrounded by a DIV, while a simple string might be surrounded by a SPAN.

So, what type of property are you embedding with dynamic content?

Nov 20, 2010 6:59

If you take a look at this blog post

you can see that this apporoce creates a control structur.

Nov 20, 2010 10:11
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