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Episerver Search & Navigation (Find) - UnifiedSearch: Option to disable FilterOnCurrentSite() during initialization


Relevant for multi-site scenarios, using Episerver Search & Navigation (Find), and using UnifiedSearch.

When using the SearchClient.Instance.UnifiedSearchFor(query) method, the results are filtered on the current site.
It is not possible to change this behavior using the .NET API.

The request is to make it possible to change it (during initialization).

Optimally it would be possible to do this per site during initialization, so e.g.
* The main site should include search results for itself and every sub site
* The sub sites should include search results only for the given sub site
But this can be handled by filtering the results on the given Start Page for the sub site, so it is priority B.

A method for changing the behavior is described her but it involves decompiling the S&N code and copying that, removeing the call to the extension method .FilterOnCurrentSite<T>().
It works, but is not a good solution maintenence-wise.

May 14, 2020 13:55
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