Optimizely - update 376

Release summary

New release of Optimizely Campaign. Bug fixes for Optimizely CMS UI and the Optimizely Avatax connector.

Released items September 07, 2021

Area ID Type Description Released
  Unnecessary stream allocation in FileCache

FileCache can create an unnecessary stream, even if the file was cached.

EPiServer.CMS.Core 11.20.8; (Or a related package);
Sep 07, 2021
  Not possible to refresh current view on property value change

Adds a way to force the current editing context to reload after a specific property value change.

This feature is useful when dealing with properties dependent on one another, for example when value of property A depend on the value of property B etc.

EPiServer.CMS.UI 11.36.0; (Or a related package);
Sep 07, 2021
  Images added with drag and drop to XhtmlString properties added to start page's content folder

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open any page with the Content Area property.
  2. Create a new `Editorial Content` block.
  3. Click `Quick edit` on the newly created block.
  4. Drag and drop an image from your local disk to the XHTML property.
  5. Navigate to the block and check it's in the `For This Block` folder.

Expected result:

Images are created in the `For This Block` folder.

Actual result:

Images are created in the `For this page` folder.

EPiServer.CMS.UI 11.36.0; EPiServer.CMS.TinyMce 2.13.5; (Or a related package);
Sep 07, 2021
  Avalara mask license key

Mask the license key in configuration to not expose key to everyone who has access to configuration.

EPiServer.AvataxConnector 2.4.0; (Or a related package);
Aug 31, 2021
  Avalara tax connector needs to be updated

Update to the latest version of the Avatax Client.

EPiServer.AvataxConnector 2.4.0; (Or a related package);
Aug 31, 2021

Marketing_32.svgOptimizely Campaign

Campaign 9.9

  • Recipient import: Merge String and Text fields
    The new feature lets you merge the values of recipient list fields of “String” and “Text” type when importing recipient data via the Optimizely Campaign user interface. You can either append or prepend the value or replace the old value by the new one.
    See also: Importing recipients in the Optimizely User Guide
  • Recipient export: Improved bounce export
    The "Export Recipients" feature lets you export recipients that exceeded the bounce limit. Previously, only bounces of email messages were exported. The improved bounce export includes all media types.
    See also: Exporting recipients in the Optimizely User Guide

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Last updated: Sep 07, 2021