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  • Posted on: Nov 30, 2009

    My gadgets are like buses you wait ages then two turn up at once........... Here is my second (does quantity count over quality?) contribution to the EPiServer Gadget contest 2009. Presenting...... The Distraction Gadget Everybody loves a...

  • Posted on: Nov 30, 2009

    Like a very naughty school kid, I always leave my homework to the very last minute....... Here is (my first :) contribution to the EPiServer Gadget contest 2009. Presenting...... The EPiServer World Gadget I wanted to try and make a gadget that...

  • Posted on: Nov 30, 2009

    The idea behind this gadget is to be able to pinpoint slow pages and see activity on the site. Then analyze why these pages takes long time to load. You can also on specific pages see all requests to compare performance of the site to earlier. The...

  • Posted on: Nov 30, 2009

    SERW or “Search Engine Result Watcher” or “Trend Analytics for your SEO work”. This is a two step rocket with two gadgets, quick search and trend, working together to get you the best business value. SERW Trend Gadget The SERW trend gadget allows...

  • Posted on: Nov 29, 2009

    Here’s our contribution to the Gadget Contest. This gadget is developed by me (Björn Sållarp) and Erland Ranvinge, both working at Avantime . The gadget enables you to read performance counter values from the machine running the web application. T...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 27, 2009

    The other day I asked a question on twitter Is there an easy way of getting all the selected categories from a sub-category in EPiServer for a page? If you use CurrentPage.Categories or (CategoryList)CurrentPage["MyCategoryProperty"], you’ll get a...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 27, 2009

    Today I had to remove duplicate pages from a PageDataCollection. I checked for a method that would help me with this in the SDK, but couldn’t find one. I then went to the Filters namespace to see if there was a filter for this, but no luck. I then...

  • Posted on: Nov 26, 2009

    Introduction This is a gadget which hosts a Silverlight-application, with the purpose of uploading files to EPiServer. Almost every day in the life of a developer the following happens- you’ve had a meeting/workshop with your client (of the...