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  • Posted on: Nov 01, 2009

    Here is my humble contribution to the Gadget Contest 2009 . The SiteCenter in EPiServer CMS 6 is truly awesome and I think it will be a big help to many of the roles involved in a company’s web site – editors, web masters, marketing managers, sale...

  • Posted on: Oct 31, 2009

    My first blog post ever, here it goes: This is a gadget I’ve created for monitoring all scheduled jobs installed on the site. You can also execute jobs manually using this gadget. This is the default view, a list of all scheduled jobs. The...

  • Posted on: Oct 31, 2009

    This is a little gadget for testing your site with various tools. This can be anything from checking your sites speed performance, mobile-readiness, accessibility, how the site looks in various browsers, and more. Configuring the new gadget After...

  • Posted on: Oct 30, 2009

    The EPiServerFriendlyUrlRewriteProvider in EPiServer CMS 5.2 SP2 can cause navigational problems for visitors using mobile phones. I have noticed that the browser in some Ericsson mobile phones does not handle friendly URL’s very well. Recently th...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 30, 2009

    How many times have you made a property called IntroImage and used that to display an intro image on a page? Then how often have you gotten a question about how do we add a flash, or can we have this image a bit smaller/larger on a particular page...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 28, 2009

    This semester at FMI, Sofia University, is starting a new course dedicated to programming  .NET and using the latest Microsoft  technologies. The course is called "Programming .NET and WPF".  You can check out the program of the course on the...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 28, 2009

    Every control in ASP.NET inherits from System.Web.UI.Control and have the RenderControl method. When you want to get the html output of the control at any point of the page execution lifecycle you can use the following method. public string...

  • Posted on: Oct 27, 2009

    My contribution to the Gadget Contest is a gadget for doing findpageswithcriteria-calls. I haven’t done MVC coding before this so it was a new and interesting experience. Some points of interest – although the introduction to gadgets artic...