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  • Posted on: Aug 19, 2009

    Back from a half year of parental leave I started yesterday reading some forum posts. One old thread that had been added to recently contained several requests to alter the appearance of the email body when sending a form posting as an email (the...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 19, 2009

    In a project I’m working on we are using Dynamic Content to display media parts like images, video’s, flash.  Inside this Dynamic Content we are using a PropertyUrl to hold the selected media source. The problem is that when you get the popup with...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 19, 2009

    If you still have Virtual Server running, I would definitely recommend that you first migrate to Windows Hyper-V :) However for the rest of us living in the real world, there is a cool trick to check if virtualization is actually running for your...

  • Posted on: Aug 18, 2009

    Today I was attempting to check out, edit, and check in a document using the Microsoft Office Integration in CMS 5 SP1.  Upon check in I found the dialog to connect to CMS did not contain my user name. To fix this problem I performed the following...

  • Posted on: Aug 18, 2009

    When CMS 5 R2 SP2 was in RC, it included a type to simplify using your own PageData types when building page templates. Before the release we decided to remove this class for two reasons: naming and whether or not it is OK to hide the CurrentPage...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 18, 2009

    It is less than two months when DevReach 2009 will happen again in Sofia, Bulgaria. This is the forth edition of the wonderful conference gathering so many internationally recognized Microsoft Regional Directors, MVPs, INETA and TechEd speakers. T...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 16, 2009

    Other posts in this series: EPiServer web controls: Property EPiServer web controls: PageList EPiServer web controls: NewsList Both the MenuList and No related posts. Related posts brought to you by Yet Another Related Posts Plugin .

  • Posted on: Aug 13, 2009

    Hello all. I want to take a few moments to introduce myself. This week is my first at EPiServer.  I joined the company as a Solution Architect in the US to help facilitate the technical side of the sales process.  I have been in IT for over 10 yea...