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  • Posted on: Mar 25, 2010

    Good descriptive caption and help texts for properties are important for making the editors life easier. But in my experience it’s just those bits that get a bit neglected during the development process. Often left to the end and then it’s a tedio...

  • Posted on: Mar 24, 2010

    Based on CMS 5 R2 SP2 and Visual Studio 2008 Many customers have data in a legacy database or other storage from their old site, custom CMS, or other business system.  Upon moving to the glorious world of EPiServer they want to move this data into...

  • Posted on: Mar 24, 2010

    Often times I find myself accessing CMS Edit mode (or Admin mode) directly via the URL.  It seems pretty basic when you’ve worked with the system for a while but maybe we take that knowledge for granted based on our experience.  I’ve had a few...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 23, 2010

    Tonight I made a first release of Page Type Builder compiled with EPiServer CMS 6 . While it should be stable and all tests succeed it is considered a beta release, partly to follow the tradition that releases of Page Type Builder that are marked ...

  • Posted on: Mar 23, 2010

    In this post I’ll go through the steps I went through when I decided that I wanted to test unit testing some code I had written. To not bore you too much about what I was trying to do I’ve created a service class for the sake of this post that loo...

  • Posted on: Mar 23, 2010

    The EPiServer Deployment Center can be used to upgrade an EPiServer CMS 5 R2 SP2 site to CMS 6.  The upgrade process is quite simple and converts the site content, settings, and form data, in place, from the old format to the new.  The upgrade...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 23, 2010

    One of our customers needed to require HTTPS/SSL on some of their pages that contained sensitive data.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 23, 2010

    Why not just use HTTPS for the entire site, you might ask? The reason for this is that they use Google Maps and the Google Maps Premium Subscription was not an option due to the high cost for this service. To solve this I wrote a HttpModule that...