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Quan Mai
Mar 22, 2019
(10 votes)

Commerce 13 is ready to go

The day has finally come, and we got the approval from our QA team for Commerce 13. It will be released to public earlier next week.

If you plan to upgrade to Commerce 13 (which you should ;) ), these are a few things to keep in mind

  • Commerce 13 is a breaking change release, which means you will most likely have to update your code for it to get it compiled. If you are using a more recent version of Commerce and if you are using the up-to-date features, you will have less things to worry about, and vice versa, so that's important to plan ahead.
  • The most signficant breaking changes in Commerce 13 are the removal of old promotion system, and old APIs like Entry, Node, and CartHelper, which we talked in details here We urge you to switch to newer system/APIs  because they are not only the way forward, they are also better in many aspects (if not "any aspects")
  • We also take this change to introduce new features that would require breaking changes: new extendable OrderStatus and OrderShipmentStatus , a new API to get the parent order group from its component (orderforms, shipments or lineitems), or a new APIs to calculate taxes in batch of line items instead of one by one. 
  • Commerce 13 also contains some non breaking changes new feature, including per-promotion catalog item exclusion and managing shipping addresses in CSR UI.

A full list of changes in Commerce 13 can be seen here .

Commerce 13 contains a small migration step, which should complete within seconds, so data migration should not be of your concern. You are welcome to test it when it's released and get back to us if you need further assistance.

A new version of ServiceAPI, FindCommerce and Avatax which support Commerce 13 will be quick to follow.

Mar 22, 2019


Mar 24, 2019 12:49 AM

Hey Quan, we are currently building a new site on Commerce 12.15.1 and are a couple months away from Production.

My questions are;

  1. How Production ready is will Commerce 13 be? eg. is this a CTP or RTM release?
  2. Would you recommend immediately upgrading to Commerce 13?
  3. Will there be a new Commerce 13 exam soon?

Cheers, Darren.

Quan Mai
Quan Mai Mar 24, 2019 03:49 PM

Hi Darren, I clean up your comments. Regarding your question:

  1. Anything that is publicly released should be production ready. We did our best to ensure everything works as they should.
  2. Yes, at least for testing purpose, to assert how much time you would need to spend on the upgrade. If you are using, for example, old promotion system then it should be easier to migrate to the new system then migrate. If you are using FindCommerce and/or ServiceAPI, you should wait for a little bit more. 
  3. I don't know, I would expect there will be but it would take time to have more features worth testing for.

sheider Nov 1, 2019 08:23 PM


"Commerce 13 contains a small migration step, which should complete within seconds, so data migration should not be of your concern. You are welcome to test it when it's released and get back to us if you need further assistance."

Hey Quan, we are having an issue with this migration step for serializableCarts. Could you spare some details on the migration step and what changes occurred to the serializable cart? It seems that the custom metadata properties now are no longer inferred by type but have a type and value. Example:

//OLD CART Metadata Property
"CWDTaxTotal": 6.71

//POST UPGRADE CART Meta Data Property
"CWDTaxTotal": {
    "$type": "System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089",
    "$value": 0

As you can see the type isn't even correctly set. Any information on what was changed and how we can successfully migrate the pre upgrade carts would be appreciated.


To make progress with other parts of the upgrade we deleted the serializable carts. 

However there is an issue with serializable carts themselves. The ParentOrderGroup property on the ICart and IShipment are causing a circular reference error when using the json converter. This is preventing us from being able to view carts via ajax calls. Any suggestions to get

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