Episerver MAI DemoConnector [Legacy]

Note: This content is retired and applies to legacy versions 4.0.0 and lower of Episerver.ConnectForMarketingAutomation. For latest version, see the Custom connector developer guide.

The Episerver Marketing Automation Integration (MAI) DemoConnector is a reference connector implementation that demonstates how to implement a working MAI connector that integrates with forms and visitor groups.

Note: See Add-ons platform compatibility for supported platform versions and installation information.

You can create an MAI Connector in the following ways:

  • Copy and modify the project because the classes are already defined for you.
    1. Download the sample DemoConnector project (zipped Nuget package file) and unzip it.
    2. Make a copy of the DemoConnector project.
    3. Open the project copy in Visual Studio.
    4. Replace all instances of DemoConnector with the name of the connector you want to make.
    5. Modify the NuGet spec and the post-build steps to name the NuGet package appropriately.
  • Start from scratch.
    1. In Visual Studio, create a new class library project.
    2. Add the Episerver and Marketing for Automation NuGet packages.
    3. Create the classes you need, starting with the ProviderBase and IProviderServices classes.

      NoteIProviderServices requires that a small number of other interfaces are implemented. It is OK for the implementations to throw NotImplementedException for all methods for each class that is not supported by your connector.

DemoConnector source files

Note: These files are provided for reference. You should download the DemoConnector project (zipped Nuget package file) to ensure you have everything you need in the project and that the files are in the correct hierarchy in Visual Studio.

The DemoConnector source code files in the NuGet package:

DemoConnector configuration files

DemoConnector class library

The DemoConnector class library consists of the following namespaces.

Last updated: Dec 10, 2015