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  • Posted on: May 23, 2024

    If you clicked on this article, you already know that getting the right message to the right person at the right time helps drive conversions and boost the overall ROI of your content. But where to begin? Plotting out your personalization strategy...

  • Posted on: Feb 24, 2022

    As a Solution Architect at Optimizely, building custom demos that tell a compelling story to a prospect or customer is just part of my role. But as a passionate Marketing Technologist, I really enjoy helping our audience picture our solutions as...

  • Posted on: Aug 07, 2020

    Data storage used by Visitor Intelligence and Profile Store in East US requires maintenance to enable Microsoft to migrate resources to newer hardware in Azure. The maintenance is planned on Monday, August 10, 02:00-04:00 AM Eastern Time Zone, whe...

  • Posted on: Nov 13, 2019

    In August Chris Sharp wrote about the newly released top-level filter for Visitor Groups in Episerver Insight ( link to blog ). To make use of this filter it requires additional tracking into the Profile Store (underlying datastore for Episerver...

  • Posted on: Aug 08, 2019

    If you’ve looked recently at the Episerver Insight UI, you’ll likely notice a new top-level filter for “Visitor Group”. While the Insight UI is updated automatically, the tracking of the visitor group is not automatic, and it is important to know...

  • Posted on: Jan 08, 2019

    As you probably have heard we launched Episerver Advance earlier this year. Advance is the latest addition to our personalization suite and is a service for content personalization and enables you to recommend content to your visitors at any given...

  • Posted on: Apr 09, 2018

    It is with great joy I announce the general availability of our content personalization service Advance, enabling you to track visitor behavior across all your touchpoints, in order to use machine learning to determine the relationship between tha...

  • Posted on: Nov 08, 2017

    This year, Episerver has released a new suite of personalization products combining machine learning, artificial intelligence, and statistical analysis . The suite includes Episerver Perform, Episerver Reach, Episerver Advance (beta out Q1 2018),...