Episerver - update 151

New releases of Episerver CMS UI, Episerver Commerce and A/B Testing. Bug fixes for Episerver Forms and a hotfix for Episerver Amazon (applies to CMS 7.x and 8.x).

The update applies to Episerver projects version 7.5 and higher, and contains finalized work items included in the latest iteration. Continuous release updates are cumulative to include previous updates. Episerver supports all platform updates and strongly recommends that you keep ongoing projects up-to-date. You can install the updates from the Episerver NuGet feed.

Main packages
This release information lists updated main package versions for the Episerver platform. When a release is built, other dependent packages also may be bumped to new versions, although they contain no publicly visible changes. This is done to avoid dependency errors. When you upgrade, NuGet alerts you to upgrade related packages to the required versions. For Commerce, it is important to ensure that you are running the same version of CMS and Commerce, both in the front-end and back-end applications.

Updated main packages

Click a package in the list to see work item details.

Episerver CMS Core

Episerver CMS UI

New feature:

    • CMS-4793: The old Gadget framework is depracated
      From Episerver CMS UI 10.6.0, the GadgetAttribute is marked as obsolete and will be removed in an upcoming major version release. Instead, you should use CompontentAttribute when creating components. All jQuery-based libraries are also now marked as deprecated and should not be referenced because they will be removed in the future. See Grzegorz Wiecheć's blog post for more information.
    • CMS-6328Remaining URL field is blank after saving external link to CMS page with action route
      To solve a bug where query strings were removed when creating an internal link using the External link option, a new field has been been implemented in the Create/Edit link dialog box. Using this field, editors can add or edit query strings on internal links.

New feature: 

    • MAR-472New KPI for Commerce users to determine the average order value
      This new KPI allows a CMS editor to select the total average order as a conversion goal. 

Episerver Commerce

New feature:

    • COM-3356: Support new cart system in Commerce Manager
      Allows Commerce Manager to use the serializable cart system.
      This new cart system is enabled by default for new installation at both front-end and back-end sites. See Serializable carts in the Commerce Developer Guide for more information on the new cart system.

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Last updated: Feb 20, 2017