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Congratulations Mamadou Cissokho, Regional global IT officer at UNHCR, member number 9000!

In late February Mamadou Cissokho became registered member number 9000 on EPiServer World! To celebrate that we'll be sending Mamadou an iPod.

Mamadou works for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as a Regional global IT officer based in South Africa Pretoria, covering 12 countries in Southern Africa.

When we asked Mamadou about his job, this is what he told us:

"My Job consists of: Advising and supporting UNHCR staff in the region concerning technical registration applications, IT issues, requests and standards; Improving our legacy systems and database applications (proGres, Icams, reporter tool, SQl server 2005, MS access etc.); Developing  and implementing  systems to meet the IT needs of the region, and to train local database officers (in each country I have a focal point called Database Officer)."

How did you get in contact with EPiServer and why?

“I got to know about EPiServer just on Google. I googled CMS linked to Vs 2008 and EPiServer was there.

My project is to build an extranet used by us and our implementing partners. It will be  a platform to share information but also to record individual assistance given by our partners to refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa. South Africa is the first asylum country in the world this year with 350 000 asylum seekers so this project is very important for us.”

EPiServer congratulates Mamadou and wishes him and UNHCR with their important mission all the best.


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