Web Experimentation

Optimizely’s Web Experimentation allows users to A/B test and multi-variant test different user interface variations on their website for optimization and personalization. Use this product to enhance user experiences and to optimize each customer’s journey by using customer driven data. Three Different tiers/levels of the Web Experimentation product include Grow (Basic), Accelerate (Standard), and Scale (Premium). See the Features tab below for a closer look into the differences of each tier/level. 

Getting Started

Running tests on your site has never been any easier! See below for steps on implementing the experimentation platform and the required skills for developers. 


  • Step 1: Add the Optimizely JavaScript API snippet to run on the head section of the webpage being tested.
  • Step 2: Select users for the experiment.
  • Step 3: Run the experiment.
  • Step 4: Read the data you have saved from the experiment using the window["optimizely"].get('data') function.
  • (Premium subscribers) Take more control by making an API call. Use other API functions such as ‘bucketVisitor’ to customize your algorithm.

Explore the full implementation details, click here.


  • Front End development skills, in example:
    • Html
    • JavaScript
    • CSS

Explore full list of skillsets required here.


Optimizely's Web Experimentation has a plethera of new features! Choose your level of personalization from the Essential, Enhanced, Advanced, or the Ultimate packages. Check out the top features for each package level.


  • Unlimited concurrent experiments
  • Multi-page (funnel tests)
  • Dynamic website support (SPA)
  • Project JavaScript (custom JavaScript that runs before the Optimizely snippet)
  • Custom end user IDs (BYOID)
  • Support options (community, academy, online tickets, etc.)
  • And more


  • All Essential features
  • Performance Edge (makes experiments run faster by moving experiment processing to the edge -CDN)
  • Extensions (Create reusable elements on pages.)
  • Multi-Armed Bandits (Allocate traffic to variations that are performing well with machine learning)
  • Custom TTL for snippet
  • Experiment Calendar and Scheduler
  • AI variation generator
  • Single sign-on (SSO)
  • And more


  • All Enhanced features
  • Mutually Exclusive experiments (exclusive visitors)
  • Multivariate Testing (MVT)
  • Custom snippets
  • MS 365 connector
  • Cross-project events
  • List attribute targeting
  • Cross-origin tracking
  • And more


  • All Advanced features
  • Dynamic customer profiles (external attributes)
  • BigQuery direct share
  • Optimizely reporting for experimentation
  • And more