Karen McDougall
Oct 9, 2019
(4 votes)

CMS Developer with a valid CMS certificate? Get a 75 % discount on a CMS Developer Subscription

Did you know that as a current certified Episerver CMS Developer, you have an opportunity to purchase a CMS developer subscription program to prepare for the renewal of your CMS certification at a 75 % discount? You have access to the eLearning materials (plus updates) for a year. This is a great way to learn about the new features and functionalities of Episerver to prepare you properly for your recertification exam. When you are ready you can buy an exam attempt. If you need additional help you can also buy some hours of Instructor led training.
E-mail education@episerver.com to get your CMS Certified Developer discount code.
You can read more about CMS developer subscription here:

Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Have a great week!

Oct 09, 2019


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