Linh Hoang
Sep 4, 2024
(3 votes)

Optimizely Headless Form Setup

1. Create empty CMS applications

First, let’s setup an empty CMS application.

Install the NuGet packages in your solution using the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio or with the command line:

dotnet add package EPiServer.CMS

    2. Setup headless Optimizely Forms API

    Optimizely Headless Form API consists of one main NuGet package, Optimizely.Cms.Forms.Service, and some additional NuGet packages let you install only the necessary functionality.

    Install the NuGet packages in your solution using the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio or with the command line:

    dotnet add package Optimizely.Cms.Forms.Service

    Configure form headless API options

    Configure the API in ConfigureServices in startup.cs.

    services.AddOptimizelyFormsService(options => {

      options.EnableOpenApiDocumentation = true;

      options.FormCorsPolicy = new FormCorsPolicy {

        AllowOrigins = new string[] {


          }, //Enter '*' to allow any origins, multiple origins separate by comma 

          AllowCredentials = true


      options.OpenIDConnectClients.Add(new() {

        Authority = "" //Enter the client's domain that requires authentication. The domain must include the protocol, e.g., https://localhost:3000.



    3. Authentication using OpenIDConnect

    Install Episerver.OpenIDConnect package using the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio or with the command line:

    dotnet add package Episerver.OpenIDConnect.UI

    Configure encryption key for OpenIDConnect.

    public class FormServiceOptionsPostConfigure : IPostConfigureOptions<OptimizelyFormsServiceOptions>


        private readonly OpenIddictServerOptions _options;


        public FormServiceOptionsPostConfigure(IOptions<OpenIddictServerOptions> options)


            _options = options.Value;



        public void PostConfigure(string name, OptimizelyFormsServiceOptions options)


            foreach (var client in options.OpenIDConnectClients)


                foreach (var key in _options.EncryptionCredentials.Select(c => c.Key))





                foreach (var key in _options.SigningCredentials.Select(c => c.Key))







    Configure OpenIdConnect in Startup.cs.


        useDevelopmentCertificate: true,

        signingCertificate: null,

        encryptionCertificate: null,

        createSchema: true




    services.TryAddEnumerable(ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<IPostConfigureOptions<OptimizelyFormsServiceOptions>, FormServiceOptionsPostConfigure>());

    4. Create key/secret using OIDC UI and test your authentication

    Open “OpenID Connect” tab in Settings, create new application then input your client id and client secret

    Test if it all works by making a POST request in Postman to /api/episerver/connect/token with the following parameters:

      • client_id: api-client
      • client_secret: SuperSecret
      • grant_type: client_credentials

    You'll receive a time-limited access token.

    5. Api specification

    You should have the following endpoints available on your host site:

    • GET – /_forms/v1/forms/{ContentKey}?language={Language} – Retrieve form data with form elements by content key
    • PUT – /_forms/v1/forms/ – Submit the form.

    To verify that the API is working properly, open the Form Headless API in your browser:


    Note: ContentKey is the content guid id without hypen

    For more api details: Headless Form Api Specification

    6. Create simple hello world form with single text input

    In right menu panel, create New Form, enter your form name.

    Add textbox and submit button to form then publish form.

    7. Retrieve form using Postman

    Import postman collection Headless Sample.postman_collection.json

    8. Prepare backend site for form render

    8.1. Update Manage Website setting for both case

    • Browse the site > Manage Websites: Update Delivery site = localhost:3000
    • Browse the site > Manage Websites : Remove Host name = * the list
    • (Optional) Update ManagementSite to use http instead of https on json (if you deploy your site on the local ): "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:8000",
    • Browse React site:http://localhost:3000/en/[pageURL]

    8.2. Render form using ContentGraph

    • Set up management site

    Install Optimizely.ContentGraph.Cms and Optimizely.Cms.Forms.ContentGraph using the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio or with the command line:

    dotnet add package Optimizely.ContentGraph.Cms
    dotnet add package Optimizely.Cms.Forms.ContentGraph
    • Add CG key to appsettings.json (at the same level as Episerver).
    "Optimizely": {
        "ContentGraph": {
          "GatewayAddress": "<<Gateway Address>>",
          "AppKey": "<<App Key>>",
          "Secret": "<<Secret>>",
          "SingleKey": "<<Single Key>>",
          "AllowSendingLog": true,
          "ContentVersionSyncMode": "DraftAndPublishedOnly",
          "Include": {
            "ContentIds": [],
            "ContentTypes": []
          "SyncReferencingContents": true
    • Add settings to Startup.cs.
    //Register ContentGraph for HeadlessForm
    services.AddContentDeliveryApi(op => {
      op.DisableScopeValidation = true;
      op.RequiredRole = null;
    services.ConfigureContentApiOptions(o => {
      o.FlattenPropertyModel = true;
      o.IncludeNumericContentIdentifier = true;

    8.3. Render form using Rest API

    Add ReactController.cs file in Controllers folder to get all form keys in page

    using EPiServer;
    using EPiServer.Cms.Shell;
    using EPiServer.Core;
    using EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Elements;
    using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
    using EPiServer.SpecializedProperties;
    using EPiServer.Web;
    using EPiServer.Web.Routing;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
    using System.Collections.Generic;

    namespace AlloyMvcTemplates.Controllers;
    public class ReactController : ControllerBase
        public ReactController()

        public IActionResult GetFormInPageByUrl(string url)
            var builder = new UrlBuilder(url);
            var content = UrlResolver.Current.Route(builder, ContextMode.Default);

            if (content is null)
                return NoContent();

            var contentLoader = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentLoader>();
            var pageModel = new PageModel();

            if (content is not null)
                pageModel.Title = content.Name;
                pageModel.PageUrl = content.PublicUrl();

                foreach (var props in content.Property)
                    if (!props.IsNull && props is PropertyContentArea)
                        var contentArea = props as PropertyContentArea;
                        foreach (var item in contentArea.PublicContentArea?.FilteredItems)
                            var contentItem = contentLoader.Get<IContent>(item.ContentLink);

                            if (contentItem is FormContainerBlock)

            return Ok(pageModel);

    public class PageModel
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string PageUrl { get; set; }
        public List<string> FormKeys { get; set; } = new List<string>();

    9. Render form using simple react app

    9.1. Create a React app template

    • Create an empty folder : \ClientApp for example
    • Run cmd on the folder : npx create-react-app headless-form --template typescript

    Result: \headless-form folder is added

    9.2. Install JS SDK

    • Navigate to \headless-form
    • Create a file .npmrc with content:


    9.3. Add file .env with content in both case




    Render form using Content Graph, add the lines below to the .env file






    • Update the port = ManagementSite’s URL if needs
    • GatewayAddress, SingleKey are from appsetting.json

    9.4. Add the file \src\useFetch.ts that contains a function to request form data

    import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

    export const useFetch = (url: string) => {

        const [data, setData]= useState<any>(null);

        const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);

        const [error, setError] = useState<any>(null);


            const fetchData = async () => {



                    .then(async (response: Response)=>{


                            setData(await response.json());



                    .catch((err: any)=>{










        // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps


        return {data, loading, error};


    9.5. Update \src\App.tsx

    import './App.css';

    import { useFetch } from './useFetch';

    import { Form, FormLogin } from '@episerver/forms-react';

    import { FormCache, FormConstants, IdentityInfo, extractParams } from '@episerver/forms-sdk';

    import { useState } from 'react';

    import { useHistory, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';


    function App() {

        const location = useLocation();

        const { language } = extractParams(window.location.pathname)

        const url = `${process.env.REACT_APP_ENDPOINT_GET_FORM_BY_PAGE_URL}${location.pathname}`;

        const { data: pageData, loading } = useFetch(url);

        const formCache = new FormCache();

        const [identityInfo, setIdentityInfo] = useState<IdentityInfo>({

            accessToken: formCache.get<string>(FormConstants.FormAccessToken)

        } as IdentityInfo);

        const history = useHistory()

        const handleAuthen = (identityInfo: IdentityInfo) => {



        return (

            <div className="App">


                {loading && <div className='loading'>Loading...</div>}

                {!loading && pageData && (



                        <div className='main'>

                            <div className='left'>

                                { any) => (




                                        language={language ?? "en"}

                                        baseUrl={process.env.REACT_APP_HEADLESS_FORM_BASE_URL ?? "/"}




                                       // optiGraphUrl={process.env.REACT_APP_CONTENT_GRAPH_GATEWAY_URL}//uncomment this line if you want to render using content graph




                            <div className={`right`}>




                                    authBaseUrl={process.env.REACT_APP_AUTH_BASEURL ?? ""}

                                    onAuthenticated={handleAuthen} />








    export default App;

    Sep 04, 2024


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