Thanh-Vi Le
Feb 24, 2023
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Optimizely Cross-Browser Testing to deprecate on April 25th, 2023

Optimizely will deprecate the Cross-Browser Testing feature on the 25th of April 2023.

As of this writing, cross-browser testing only has 0.54% user adoption rate and 1.38% account adoption rate. In fact, the actual percentages are even lower as these currently include Optimizely employees who emulate custom accounts. 

The current version of cross-browser testing is being deprecated which would force Optimizely to migrate to the new version in order to maintain this feature. However, implementing a new version of cross-browser testing requires our developers to spend a disproportionate amount of time building and maintaining the feature; therefore, due to its lack of customer adoption, Optimizely has made the decision to shut it down.

Thank you for trusting Optimizely with providing you the means to create experiences that your customers love. Please contact if you need assistance with our Web Experimentation and/or Performance Edge products, and don’t hesitate to use so we can continue making (y)our products better.

Feb 24, 2023


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