Enum McDataType
Specifies Mediachase Ibn Data component default data type of a field.
Namespace: Mediachase.BusinessFoundation.Data.Meta.Management
Assembly: Mediachase.BusinessFoundation.Data.dll
Version: 13.30.0Syntax
public enum McDataType
Name | Description |
Aggregation | An aggregation of meta class. |
BackReference | A back reference to array of rereferenced objects. |
Boolean | A logical value. Either true or false. |
Card | A card extenstion. |
Complex | An custom external type. |
Currency | A currency value ranging from -2 63 (or -9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to 2 63 -1 (or +9,223,372,036,854,775,807) with an accuracy to a ten-thousandth of a currency unit. |
DateTime | Date and time data ranging in value from January 1, 1753 to December 31, 9999 to an accuracy of 3.33 milliseconds. |
Decimal | A fixed precision and scale numeric value between -10 38 -1 and 10 38 -1. |
Double | A floating point number within the range of -1.79E +308 through 1.79E +308. |
Enum | An either multi-value or single-value enum. |
File | A file. |
Guid | A globally unique identifier (or GUID). |
Identifier | An string unique identifier. |
Integer | A 32-bit signed integer |
Link | A weak leank to meta class. |
MultiReference | An multi reference. |
Reference | A reference to meta class. |
ReferencedField | A read-only rereference field from reference. |
String | A variable-length stream of Unicode characters. |