Property attributes
For properties of content types we use different attributes to describe how they should behave.
The following are located in the EPiServer.DataAnnotations namespace.
Attribute name | Description | Behavior if not specified |
BackingType(Type) |
Defines the PropertyData type used to store values for this property. Must be a type inheriting from PropertyData. |
The backing type will be auto determined. See Default Backing Types. |
CultureSpecific(bool) |
Defines if this property should have a different value for each language. |
Properties will not be culture-specific. |
Searchable(bool) |
Defines if the property value should be searchable. |
String properties will be searchable, all other property types will not. |
Ignore |
Should never be used on cached objects. |
Since the content holding this property is stored in the cache, it is not possible to store request scoped data on it, as that will lead to serious concurrency issues. |
The following are located in the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace.
Attribute Name | Description | Behavior if not specified |
Required |
Defines if a value for this property must be set before being able to save a page of the parent type. |
Property value is not required. |
ScaffoldColumn(bool) |
Defines if this property is visible in edit view. |
Property is visible in edit view. |
Display( Name=..., Description=..., GroupName=..., Order=...) |
The Name, Description, GroupName and Order properties are used to set the EditCaption, HelpText, Tab and FieldOrder respectively. |
EditCaption is set to the name of the property. HelpText is NULL. |
UIHint |
Used to select either editor/renderer or both by defining a hint string. You can use EPiServer.Web.UIHint to use hints for known types in the system, for instance UIHint.Image. |
The default editor and renderer for the type will be used. |
StringLength |
Sets a maximum length for strings. Note that this attribute cannot be used for properties of type XhtmlString. |
No length restriction. |
RegularExpression |
Validates the input format. Usually used for string properties. |
No validation of the input. |
Range |
Determines the valid range for numeric properties. |
No validation of range except the minimum/maximum values for the value type (For instance Int32.MinValue and Int32.MaxValue). |
The following images show how the attributes are mapped to settings in admin view:

Default backing types
If the BackingType attribute has not been set for a property, the backing type will be automatically assigned to a PropertyDefinitionType where the corresponding EPiServer.Core.PropertyData.PropertyValueType matches the property type. That means that if there is a PropertyData implementation (can be a custom property) with matching PropertyValueType that definition will be used. Otherwise the backing type is assigned according to this table.
See built-in property types for details on using the correct type.
Property type | BackingType |
ContentArea |
PropertyContentArea |
Boolean |
PropertyBoolean |
CategoryList |
PropertyCategory |
DateTime |
PropertyDate |
Double |
PropertyFloatNumber |
LinkItemCollection |
PropertyLinkCollection |
Int32 |
PropertyNumber |
PageType |
PropertyPageType |
String |
PropertyLongString |
TimeSpan |
PropertyTimeSpan |
Url |
PropertyUrl |
XForm |
PropertyXForm |
XhtmlString |
PropertyXhtmlString |
Blob |
PropertyBlob |
Sample code
Sample code using many of the attributes described in this article.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using EPiServer.Core;
using EPiServer.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using EPiServer.Security;
using EPiServer;
using EPiServer.Web;
using EPiServer.Shell.ObjectEditing.EditorDescriptors;
using EPiServer.Shell.ObjectEditing;
using EPiServer.DataAbstraction;
namespace CodeSamples
DisplayName="My Page Type",
Description="Description for this page type",
GroupName="My Group",
[AvailableContentTypes(Include = new Type[] { typeof(MyPageType2), typeof(MyPageType3) })]
[Access(Users = "niis", Roles = "CmsEditors")]
public class TypedPageWithAttributeSample : PageData
Name = "My Heading",
Description = "Heading for my page type.",
GroupName = "My Tab",
Order = 64)]
public virtual string Heading { get; set; }
[Range(0, 130)]
public virtual int Age { get; set; }
public virtual string CustomValidation { get; set; }
public virtual string Header { get; set; }
public virtual Url RedirectPage { get; set; }
public virtual ContentReference Logotype { get; set; }
public virtual Url LogotypeAsUrl { get; set; }
public virtual string LanguageSelection { get; set; }
public virtual string MultipleLanguageSelection { get; set; }
public class CustomLanguageSelectionFactory : ISelectionFactory
public IEnumerable<ISelectItem> GetSelections(ExtendedMetadata metadata)
var languages = new List<SelectItem>();
languages.Add(new SelectItem() { Text = "English", Value = "en"});
languages.Add(new SelectItem() { Text = "Swedish", Value = "sv" });
languages.Add(new SelectItem() { Text = "Norwegian", Value = "no" });
return languages;
[AvailableContentTypes(IncludeOn = new Type[] { typeof(TypedPageWithAttributeSample) })]
public class MyPageType1 : PageData { }
[AvailableContentTypes(Exclude = new Type[] { typeof(TypedPageWithAttributeSample) })]
public class MyPageType2 : PageData { }
[AvailableContentTypes(ExcludeOn = new Type[] { typeof(MyPageType1) })]
public class MyPageType3 : PageData { }
[AvailableContentTypes(Availability = Availability.None)]
public class MyPageType4 : PageData { }
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Last updated: Nov 19, 2014