Area: Optimizely CMS
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Configuring your email server

In order for Episerver CMS to send out email notifications, for example, to users who are working with projects or if you are using Episerver Forms and want to send emails from form postings, you need to configure your email server.

Note: If you are using  Episerver DXC Service, see Configuring the email server for more information on how to configure the email server for your websites.

How it works

Specify an SMTP server endpoint that is reachable from the site and is allowed to send emails using the specified from-address. The from-adress is only used as fallback and can be overridden by, for example, notifications, forms, or any other features using the SMTP functionality built into .NET.

Configure settings in web.config:

      <smtp deliveryMethod="network" from="noreply@example.com">

 For reference, see the MSDN article <smtp> Element (Network Settings).

Default sender for notifications (optional)

[New in 9.3]

Default settings for the sender in Episerver notifications can be configured as follows: specify an email address and display name to be used in, for example, project notifications to editors. Note that these are defaults. It is possible for a notification to override these defaults with a custom sender. If defaultNotificationEmailAddress is not specified, the from-attribute on the email settings described above are used; if no adress is found, it is not possible to send notifications to users.

<applicationSettings defaultNotificationEmailAddress=”notifications@example.com” defaultNotificationEmailDisplayName=”Episerver”
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Last updated: Nov 02, 2015

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