Area: Optimizely CMS
ARCHIVED This content is retired and no longer maintained. See the latest version here.

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Creating a project

  • Create a project and save it.
    ProjectRepository projectRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ProjectRepository>();
    Project project = new Project { Name = newProjectName };
  • There are a couple of static events for saving and deleting project and items that can be listened to.
    ProjectRepository.ProjectSaved += OnProjectSaved;
    ProjectRepository.ProjectDeleted += OnProjectDeleted;
    ProjectRepository.ProjectItemsSaved += OnProjectItemsSaved;
    ProjectRepository.ProjectItemsDeleted += OnProjectItemsDeleted;
  • Create project items.
    ProjectItem projectItem = new ProjectItem(project.ID, content);
    projectRepository.SaveItems(new ProjectItem[] { projectItem });

Accessing projects

  • Get a specific project.
    Project project = projectRepository.Get(projectId);
  • List projects
    • List all projects.
      IEnumerable<Project> projectList = projectRepository.List();
    • Or get a paged list.
      IEnumerable<Project> projectList = projectRepository.List(0, 10, out totalCount);
  • Get a specific project item.
    ProjectItem projectItem = projectRepository.GetItem(projectItemId);
  • List project items
    • List all project items.
      IEnumerable<ProjectItem> projectItems1 = projectRepository.ListItems(project.ID);
    • Or get a paged list.
      IEnumerable<ProjectItem> projectItems2 = projectRepository.ListItems(project.ID, contentLanguage, 0, 10, out totalCount);
    • Or only projects of a specific category.
      IEnumerable<ProjectItem> projectItems3 = projectRepository.ListItems(project.ID, category, contentLanguage, 0, 10, out totalCount);
  • You also can send in a list of content and get all project items that matches that list.
    IEnumerable<ProjectItem> projectItems = projectRepository.Findtems(new ContentReference[] { projectItem1.ContentLink });
  • To get the projectIds of the currently active projects, use the ProjectResolver.
    ProjectResolver projectResolver = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ProjectResolver>();
    IEnumerable<int> currentProjects = projectResolver.GetCurrentProjects();


  • To change the name of a project.
    project.Name = updatedProjectName;
  • To update existing project items and/or adding new, just save the changed/new items.
    projectRepository.SaveItems(new ProjectItem[] { existingProjectItem, newProjectItem });


  • To delete a project, call Delete.
  • When you delete project item(s), send in the IDs of the items to DeleteItems.
    projectRepository.DeleteItems(new int[] { projectItem.ID });
  • Delete all project items for a project.
    projectRepository.DeleteItems(projectRepository.GetItems(project.ID).Select(item => item.ID));

Publishing a project

  • Get a ProjectPublisher.
    ProjectPublisher projectPublisher = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ProjectPublisher>();
  • Publish a project.
    await projectPublisher.PublishAsync(project);
  • To delay the publishing of a project, use the DateTime overload.
    await projectPublisher.PublishAsync(project,laterDateTime);
  • Publish a project without checking access rights, for example in a scheduled job, use a method that takes an AccessLevel and send in NoAccess to skip the access check.
    await projectPublisher.PublishAsync(project, AccessLevel.NoAccess);
  • To reactivate a project that has been published.
    await projectPublisher.ReactivateAsync(project);
  • There is a possibility to publish a subset of a project by sending in a list of project items.
    await projectPublisher.PublishAsync(project, new[] { projectItem1, projectItem3, projectItem4 }, null, AccessLevel.NoAccess);

Working with projects and content

  • Check if a content item is in a project.
    IEnumerable<IContent> contentReferences = new[] { contentReference };
    if (projectRepository.FindItems(contentReferences).Any()) { }
  • Check if a content item is in a project with any version.
    IEnumerable<IContent> contentReferences = new[] { contentReference. ToReferenceWithoutVersion() };
    if (projectRepository.FindItems(contentReferences).Any()) { }
  • Check if a content item is part of a project.
    if (projectRepository.FindItems(new[] { contentReference }).Any(x => x.ProjectID == projectID)) { }
  • To get the projects that are connected to a list of content.
    IEnumerable<Project> projects = projectRepository
      .FindItems(new[] { contentReference })
      .Select(item => item.ProjectID)
      .Select(id => projectRepository.Get(id));
  • Use ProjectLoaderOptions to only load content contained in a list of projects.
    IContentRepository contentRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRepository>();
    LoaderOptions loaderOptions = new LoaderOptions { new ProjectLoaderOption { ProjectIds = new[] { projectID } } };
    contentRepository.Get(contentReference1, loaderOptions);
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Last updated: Nov 02, 2015

Recommended reading