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Developers Guide - EPiServer Mail 4.4 SP1

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EPiServer Mail 4.4.1

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EPiServer Mail is powerful software for the distribution of emails and newsletters. EPiServer Mail is designed to handle very large numbers of email recipients. EPiServer Mail consists of a client (administration) part and a server part, both of which are described in this Developer Guide.

About EPiServer Mail

In the client part, the EPiServer Mail Editor, the email or newsletter is created and the distribution is initiated. An order email with content and recipient data is sent to our dedicated EPiServer Mail Server Cluster. This cluster of servers then distributes the emails or newsletters without consuming valuable power from the sender’s IT environment. Detailed real-time statistics for each newsletter is available instantly.

Messages are created in the web based EPiServer MailEditor. HTML mail can be composed using the built-in HTML editor or by selecting a page already created in EPiServer CMS or by providing a URL.

  • An order email is sent to the EPiServer Mail Broker, which calculates the most efficient way to distribute the message to the recipients via the servers in its cluster, taking into account current load and queue length for each distribution server.

EPiServer Mail 4.4 SP1 Developer License?

See the information under Developer License Required? in the EPiServer Mail Installation Instructions document.