EPiServer Connect for SharePoint Extensibility

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EPiServer Connect for Sharepoint 2007 version 2.1

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It is possible to extend EPiServer Connect for Microsoft SharePoint 2007 (programmatically) on both the SharePoint and EPiServer side by subscribing to the events published. See below for details regarding this.

Extensibility on the SharePoint side

The class EPiServer.SharePointConnector.EventListener.ListItemSender which can be found in the EPiServer.SharePointConnector.dll exposes the following static events:

  • ListItemExporting - Fired before a list item is exported to EPiServer, supports cancelling the action.
  • ListItemDeleteExporting - Fired when a list item has been deleted but before the notification is exported to EPiServer, supports cancelling the action.
  • FileExporting - Fired before a file is exported to EPiServer, supports cancelling the action.
  • FileDeleteExporting - Fired when a file has been deleted but before the notification is exported to EPiServer, supports cancelling the action.
  • FileMetadataUpdateExporting - Fired when a file's metadata has been updated but before the notification has been sent to EPiServer, supports cancelling the action.

Extensibility on the EPiServer CMS side

The class EPiServer.ContentChannels.ContentChannelHandlerBase which can be found in the EPiServer.ContentChannelService.dll exposes the following static events:
(see also EPiServer CMS SDK documentation for details)

  • FileImporting - Fired before a file is imported, supports cancelling the action.
  • PageFileImporting - Fired before a file is imported to the page file folder, supports cancelling the action.
  • FileImported - Fired after a file has been imported.
  • PageImporting - Fired before a page is imported, supports cancelling the action.
  • PageImported - Fired after a page has been imported.
  • FileDeleting - Fired before a file is deleted, supports cancelling the action.
  • FileDeleted - Fired after a file has been deleted.
  • PageDeleting - Fired before a page is deleted, supports cancelling the action.
  • PageDeleted - Fired after a page has been deleted. 
  • FileMetaDataImporting - Fired before a file's metadata has been imported. This event does not support cancelling directly, however the same effect can be achieved by clearing the Metadata dictionary property on the FileMetaDataImportingEventArgs class passed