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<script type="text/javascript">
//Registerar en eventhanterare för keypress på xformsdelen.
var inputFields = $("#xforms input").keypress(keypressHandler);
//Eventhanterare för xforms-delen. Kontrollerar om det var ett enter som trycktes ner och triggar i så fall en postback
function keypressHandler(e)
var key;
key = window.event.keyCode;
key = e.which;
if (key == 13)
//Get the button the user wants to have clicked
//Letar rätt på submit-knappen på xformsformuläret och triggar det
function triggerXformPostback()
var button = $("#xforms input[type=submit]:first");
if (button != null)
//If we find the button click it;
event.keyCode = 0;
<div id="xforms">
<asp:ValidationSummary ID="xFormsValidationSummary" runat="server" />
<XForms:XFormControl ID="FormControl" runat="server" EnableClientScript="true" />
This is my xforms.ascx control that I use. Jquery needs to be linked in though....Hope it helps,
Tack Daniel! That works perfectly in IE.
Unfortunately, in FF and Safari when you have 2 buttons on the page then there is a problem. I have my search button set as default button for the search panel. With your code, it did work if you enter all required fields. The form does get processed when you hit Enter key.
However, if there is an error, then you will see the error message display but then 1 second after you see the error message - the submit button on my search form will submit.
Very strange. Atleast it is working in IE until I can figure out the problem for the other browsers.
Ok, I got it working for IE, Firefox, and Safari. Not sure about other browsers, but those were the 3 I tested the fix on.
I modified your code to be:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function(){ var inputFields = $("#xforms input").keypress(keypressHandler); })
function keypressHandler(e)
var key;
key = window.event.keyCode; //IE
key = e.which; //firefox
if (key == 13)
var button = $("#xforms input[type=submit]:first");
if (button != null)
return (key != 13 && event.keyCode != 13);
I had trouble getting Christines script to work, but finally I've got a something that's working. I've got a wrapping div around xForms with the class "xForm", but you can select the the inputs any way you prefer. If you can trust JQuery this should work in all browsers, the event argument comes from them.
$('.xForm input').keydown(function (event) {
var key;
key = event.which;
if (key == 13) {
var button = $(".xForm input[type=submit]:first");
if (button != null) {;
return false;
Just a side note:
The class selector is among the slowest selectors in jQuery; in IE it loops through the entire DOM. Avoid using it whenever possible. Never prefix an ID with a tag name. For example, this is slow because it will loop through all <div> elements looking for the ‘content’ ID:
On our website, we have a search field at the top of the page and it interferes when there are 2 forms on the page. For example, on the contact us page, there is the quick search form and the contact form which is an xform. If you are typing something in the contact form and hit enter, it send the information to the search form.
Is there no easy way to set the defaultbutton for the xform submit button? I haven't seen a way to either add an ID to the button or reference it in some way using FormControl.FindControl(). There is only a name set for the submit button but no ID.
I did see a post by Bjorn Gustafson titled "Setting the submit button as the default button in an XForm", but I was wondering if there is an alternative way to this.
Is there no other solution to this?