Jeg svarer på engelsk da svensken min ikke er på topp :)
Which version of EPiServer are you using? (You should see something like XXXXXX - EPiServer CMS 5.2.375.236 in the top blue bar in IE)
It sounds like your folders are set up as something called native filesystem. In the "new" EPiServer filesystem, the document links are not saved as hardcoded paths, but as global links... But, since you most likely are using the "old" native filesystem, the document links are saved as hardcoded links.
There are no automatic easy fix for changing the paths, but if you have access to a developer, it is quite easy to create an admin plugin you can use to change the document paths.
That is the correct version. I found the texts in tblWorkProperty in the LongString column. There the document names are replaced with a guid. That got me thinking that maybe it would be possiple to do the appropiate changes directly in the database. I am a developer, however new to Epi. Can you be a bit more precise in how the plugin would change the paths.
Stefan Callmer
They are stored as guids? If so, you should be able to move them and change folder names without breaking the links! Are you renaming a folder, or changing the root vpp folder?
If they are stored as hardcoded paths, you can change them in the database. Otherwise, you will need to parse through all pages, fetch the page property, parse the text and replace the document paths. Doing it directly in the database is the easiest way :)
I am renaming the folder. I also have experimented with copying the folder in the file manager. That created new guids in the database and a new structure in the filesystem mirroring the new guids. I will go with doing the changes in the database. Thank you for your advice.
Jag behöver byta namn på en befintlig startpunkt med undermappar som i sin tur innehåller dokument. Många av dessa dokument är inlänkade på sidor med hjälp av rich-text-editonr. När jag ändrar den virtuella sökvägen i web.config på den aktuella startpunkten hittas inte dessa inlänkade dokument längre. Kan man göra detta utan att behöva gå in på varje sida och ändra dessa inlänkade dokument manuellt?