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Set end date of expiration, possible?



The Customers use is like this:
They have a conent that they want to unpublish on one date and then republish again on another date

Basicly a reaccuring content

Is this possible? how is it done?

Nov 21, 2018 10:28

Not out of the box but you could easily create a scheduled job to perform this action

Nov 21, 2018 15:44

Depending on the type of content (Block vs Page) and what you want to happen when someone attempts to access the content (404 vs 403) you may be able to use visitor group personalisation. As I recall, there's a criterion in the visitor group criteria pack which allows you to show/hide content between 2 dates. If the content is a block, it's fairly straightforward to apply the personalisation. If it's a page, you can set any visitor groups you create to allow you to use them to set permissions on a page. The downside to that is that it will return you a 403 (and probably prompt you to login) rather than a 404 but, assuming you're filtering things correctly, the page shouldn't appear in nav, listings, etc.

Nov 22, 2018 11:51
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