Migrate old episerver 6 template tp 7.5



is it ok to migrate all of our pagetype to use the new strongley type method ?

what i did is creating a pagedata class to a template with the guid of the page type i want to use.

and change the aspx to support the new pagedata class i created.

i got to results

1. the first one was successfully migrated, i can see in the admin mode that the pagetype is now "from code" and i see my code file there

2. the second pagetype create a new pagetype with same guid :(.

has anyone did this change and got these issues as well ? 

Nov 06, 2014 13:43

Are you using ContentTypeGUID-decoration on your classes?

If you need to migrate data as well:

Take a look at this blog post: http://talk.alfnilsson.se/2013/03/08/creating-page-type-classes-from-page-types-in-episerver-cms-7/

The tool will generate content type class files from your database, so you could just export the page types from epi 6 and then run the tool.

Nov 06, 2014 15:45
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