Custom workflows in EPiServer 7.5


For CMS6, I created a non-WWF workflow system which used EPiServer tasks to invoke a plugin (an ASP.NET user controls) to display current workflow progress etc (state for the workflows is held in Dynamic Data store). The plugin used information from the task to populate it's details.

When the user clicked their task, the plugin was invoked as an Action Window plugin, although the plugin itself had the GuiPlugin attrbute set as follows:

[GuiPlugIn(Area = PlugInArea.None,
DisplayName = "Custom Workflow Step",
Url = "~/CustomWorkFlow/Plugins/CustomWorkflowStep.ascx",
RequiredAccess = AccessLevel.Publish)]

I've noticed that in CMS 7.5, the GUIPlugin attribute's Area value of PluginArea.ActionWindow is deprecated, does this mean I will need to redefine my plugin differently, or is there another kind of 'context' in which Task plugins are executed?

Jul 31, 2014 16:20

It is possible to interact with a custom event based activity by associating a UI through use of the attribute ActivityPlugIn. I am wondering have you visitied


Jul 31, 2014 18:29

K Thanks for that - I've looked at the topic, and yes, I may be able to use the attribute.

I'm a little confused though as the article mentions 'action window' several times, but there isn't one any more, or is there?


Aug 04, 2014 16:06
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