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Disable inline richtext editor


EPiserver 7 handled the richtext editor (TinyMCE) by having the split screen view for the preview and the editor. 7.5 introduced inline editing for rich text.

How can I force the editor not to use the inline editor?

I've tried editing the EditorInitConfigurationOptions in a custom TinyMCEPluginNonVisual:

        PlugInName = "TinyMceExtendedValidElements",
        AlwaysEnabled = true,
        EditorInitConfigurationOptions = "{ " +
                                         "forced_root_block : false, " +
                                         "force_br_newlines : false, " +
                                         "force_p_newlines : true, " +
                                         "theme_advanced_toolbar_location: \"top\", " + 
                                         "extended_valid_elements: 'iframe[src|frameborder=0|alt|title|width|height|align|name],img[src|alt|title|height|usemap|hspace|vspace|border|onmouseover|onmouseout|name|width|style|class|align|id],figure[width|style|class|align|id],figcaption[style|class],font[class|color|face|id|lang|size|style|title],u,strong/b' }")
    public class TinyMceExtendedValidElements

Also, registering a custom UIDescriptor doesn't appear to give me the option:

    public class ContentBlockUIDescriptor : UIDescriptor
        public ContentBlockUIDescriptor ()
            DefaultView = CmsViewNames.OnPageEditView;
Jul 15, 2014 9:28
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