Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Could you please describe the problem a bit more? Does the UI crash? Is it a layout problem?
Hey Magnus, It doesn't crash at all, it loads as normal but the Layout is completely messed up. All the properties that are editable are all shoved over to the left of the screen. The crosshatching background of content areas spans the whole width of the edit window.
you can view the screenshot here
On august First, I went from 7.9 -> 7.10. then on august 3 I went from 7.10 -> 7.11. So there was 3 days that I was on 7.10 and I didn't recieve and email saying the edit mode was broke. With that being said, I am not sure exactly if it broke in 7.10 or 7.11. But I do know this was working just fun in 7.9. I am a chrome/ff guy but this is an intranet and they are using IE9
So i backed out 7.11 and reverted back to 7.10 and the edit mode looks just fine. I then used nuget to update to 7.11 and the problem returned so I can confirm it is an issue with 7.11 for IE9. It looks fine in the latest versions of FF and Chrome just not IE9. I do appreciate your help magnus. Not sure if i should enter this as a bug or not.
Attached is 7.10 - > http://1drv.ms/X4cgm9
Hi again,
I did some quick investigation and could not see that we have changed any css that should cause that in IE 9.
When you say 7.11 which packages do you mean? Do you mean the EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core and EPiServer.CMS.UI 7.11 or EPiServer.CMS.Core 7.11? We are releasing those packages individually, so it is e.g. possible to run CMS.Core 7.10 and CMS.UI 7.12.
I am a bit intrested to know if you get the same problem if you run EPiServer.CMS.Core 7.10 and EPiServer.CMS.UI/Core 7.11
I will do some more digging to, but I haven't been able to reproduce this problem.
Joshua, sorry for putting my spoon here too and using your thread (I belive my issue is related to yours).
Magnus: I'm having an issue with text area in IE11.
In IE11 it is not possible to create line brakes using enter in textarea (string property decorated with uihint.textarea), in firefox enter works just fine and creates a new line in the textarea.
(Using EPiServer.CMS.UI 7.11.0, EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core 7.11.0, EPiServer.CMS.Core 7.11.0, EPiServer.Framework 7.11.0)
When i get to work tomorrow morning. I will send you a screenshot or email you if you would like on source control log so you can see all the versions of what i was using for. So all in all if this helps you. The version in Nuget prior to this latest one, everything worked. This latest version is what I am having a problem with. I can definately send you whatever you need me to send to help troubleshoot.
GeoLiteCity.dat Web\App_Data
PremierNet.csproj Web
CMS.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.ApplicationModules.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.BaseLibrary.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Cms.Shell.UI.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Configuration.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Data.Cache.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Data.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Enterprise.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Events.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Framework.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.ImageLibrary.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Implementation.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Licensing.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.LinkAnalyzer.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Shell.UI.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Shell.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.UI.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Web.WebControls.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.XForms.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.xml Web\bin
PremierNet.dll.config Web\bin
Shell.dll Web\bin
EPiServer.Cms.Shell.UI.zip Web\modules\_protected\CMS
EPiServer.Shell.UI.zip Web\modules\_protected\Shell
packages.config Web
web.config Web
EPiServer.CMS.7.11.0.nupkg packages\EPiServer.CMS.7.11.0
GeoLiteCity.dat packages\EPiServer.CMS.7.11.0\content\App_Data
EPiServer.Cms.Config packages\EPiServer.CMS.7.11.0\tools
EPiServer.Cms.mdf packages\EPiServer.CMS.7.11.0\tools
EPiServer.Cms.psm1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.7.11.0\tools
Install.ps1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.7.11.0\tools
EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.10.0.nupkg packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.10.0
EPiServer.LinkAnalyzer.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.10.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.10.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0.nupkg packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0
EPiServer.BaseLibrary.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.BaseLibrary.xml packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Configuration.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Configuration.xml packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Enterprise.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Enterprise.xml packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.ImageLibrary.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Implementation.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.LinkAnalyzer.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Web.WebControls.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Web.WebControls.xml packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation.xml packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.XForms.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.XForms.xml packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.xml packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
AssemblyRedirects.ps1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\tools
EPiServer.Cms.Core.sql packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\tools
Install.ps1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\tools packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\tools\epiupdates\config
7.10.0.sql packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\tools\epiupdates\sql
7.11.0.sql packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\tools\epiupdates\sql
7.8.0.sql packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\tools\epiupdates\sql
webconfig-baseline.config packages\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\tools
EPiServer.CMS.UI.7.11.0.nupkg packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.7.11.0
EPiServer.Cms.Shell.UI.zip packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.7.11.0\content\modules\_protected\CMS
web.config packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.7.11.0\content\modules\_protected\CMS
EPiServer.Shell.UI.zip packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.7.11.0\content\modules\_protected\Shell
web.config packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.7.11.0\content\modules\_protected\Shell
readme.txt packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.7.11.0
EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.10.0.nupkg packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.10.0
EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0.nupkg packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0
web.config.transform packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\content
CMS.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Cms.Shell.UI.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Shell.UI.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.UI.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
Shell.dll packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\lib\net40
readme.txt packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0
Get-ModulesRepositoryPath.psm1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\tools
Get-ProtectedModulesPath.psm1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\tools
Get-WebConfig.psm1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\tools
Install.ps1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\tools
Remove-AddOnFolder.psm1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\tools
Remove-Assembly.psm1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\tools
Remove-RepositoryModule.psm1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\tools
Update-AssemblyBinding.psm1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\tools
Update-PackagesConfig.psm1 packages\EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core.7.11.0\tools
EPiServer.Framework.7.10.0.nupkg packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.10.0
EPiServer.Framework.dll packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.10.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0.nupkg packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0
EPiServer.ApplicationModules.dll packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Data.Cache.dll packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Data.dll packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Data.xml packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Events.dll packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Events.xml packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Framework.dll packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Framework.xml packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Licensing.dll packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Shell.dll packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\lib\net40
EPiServer.Shell.xml packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\lib\net40
Install.ps1 packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\tools
Upgrade.psm1 packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\tools
init.ps1 packages\EPiServer.Framework.7.11.0\tools
This is what I brought in via newget.
I can confirm this problem. Downgraded the EPiServer.CMS.UI and EPiServer.CMS.UI.Core packages to 7.10.0 and everything is back to normal. I kept the latest CMS.Core and Framework packages.
Oh, by the way: you need a native IE 9 browser to be able to reproduce this issue. IE 11 in IE 9 mode is not enough.
Oh, btw: you need a native IE 9 browser to be able to reproduce this. IE 11 in IE 9 mode renders edit mode as it should.
We have been doing some digging here and I think we might have an explanation of what has happened. It looks like we have passed the magic maximum number of css style rules in one css file. IE 9 supports 4095 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa358796%28VS.85%29.aspx, http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2011/05/14/internet-explorer-stylesheet-rule-selector-import-sheet-limit-maximum.aspx).
And in this case it seem like the css for the overlay are at the end of that file and therefor ignored by IE 9.
I am going to submit a bug about this and we will need to do some CSS refactoring.
And here is the bug: #116532
I am working if anyone else has seen an issue with edit mode properties/contentareas in edit mode using IE9 with the latest patch. (7.11)