Olov seems to have had the same issue here http://world.episerver.com/Code/Martin-Pickering/ImageResizingNet-integration-for-CMS75/
"I had to modify PostAuthorizeRequestStarted to get resizing in edit mode:
protected virtual void PostAuthorizeRequestStarted(IHttpModule httpModule, HttpContext httpContext)
var path = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(httpContext.Request.Url.AbsolutePath);
if (path == null || !_isEditModeImageUrlRegex.IsMatch(path))
Config.Current.Pipeline.PreRewritePath = _isEditModeImageUrlRegex.Match(path).Groups[1].Value;
You could also do like this when getting the url for the image.
@UrlResolver.Current.GetUrl(Model.ContentLink, null, new VirtualPathArguments {ContextMode = ContextMode.Default})?width=115&process=always&format=png"
Where the "new VirtualPathArguments {ContextMode = ContextMode.Default}" is the part were you get the ordinary url for the image instead of a internal episerver url.
I'm using the ImageResizer.net module together with the ImageResizer.Plugins.EPiServerBlobReader nuget package.
In view-mode the module works just fine. However, when in edit-mode the images are not being transformed by the module.
Anyone experiencing the same issue?
My installation is 7.5 w/ blob storage (migrated from VPP).