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It looks like this property was moved to ContextCache.
You could try to use one of two options. Use the CurrentContext static property of ExportImportBase class.
var transferContext = EPiServer.Enterprise.ExportImportBase.CurrentContext;
or call ContextCache directly.
var transferContext = EPiServer.Framework.ContextCache.Current["CurrentITransferContext"];
The EPiServer.Enterprise.ExportImportBase.CurrentContext has the implementation that executes EPiServer.Framework.ContextCache.Current["CurrentITransferContext"]
Just a heads-up, mirroring is obsoleted in EPiServer 9. Please see
Thank you Grzegorz! That's exactly what I was looking for.
@Johan, is it actually being made obsolete? I understood it that its just incompatible with previous versions, though I haven't tried it yet. I should be able to try using the updated DLL soon and will report back with any issues.
Ah, my fault. Yep seems to still work, just need to update the package since they have moved stuff arround.
Hi all,
I've updated to CMS 9 and the line below, which I use to check that the page is not currently being imported/mirrored during page events, no longer works.
Does anyone know what is now the best way to check whether the current context is importing?
Many thanks,