You can implement the IValidate<T> interface and then filter current content link in the list like this:
public class ContactBlockValidation : ValidationAttribute, IValidate<ContactBlock> { public IEnumerable<ValidationError> Validate(ContactBlock instance) { var contentTypeRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentTypeRepository>(); var repository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRepository>(); var contentModelUsage = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentModelUsage>(); var blockType = contentTypeRepository.Load<ChapterBlock>(); var currentContent = instance as IContent; IEnumerable<ContentUsage> list = contentModelUsage.ListContentOfContentType(blockType); if (currentContent != null) { list = list.Where(x => !x.ContentLink.CompareToIgnoreWorkID(currentContent.ContentLink)); } IEnumerable<ContentReference> references = list.Select(x => x.ContentLink.ToReferenceWithoutVersion()).Distinct(); foreach (ContentReference cr in references) { ContactBlock cb; if (!repository.TryGet(cr, out cb)) { continue; } if (cb.Email != null && cb.Email.Equals(instance.Email, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new[] { new ValidationError { PropertyName = "Email", ErrorMessage = "A contact block with supplied email already exists." } }; } } return Enumerable.Empty<ValidationError>(); } }
list = list.Where(x => !x.ContentLink.CompareToIgnoreWorkID(currentContent.ContentLink));
did the trick. Thanks Mattias!
Hey all
A customer of mine has a solution where they store their contacts as global blocks (a Contact block). I now need to add custom validation for a couple of fields (name, email) to ensure that they're not already published in previous contacts (ie Contact blocks).
I've tried both using ValidationAttribute and IValidate. I search for existing Contact blocks to see whether name/email exists. The problem is that I can't separate previously published Contact blocks from the one I'm currently editing, which in the end always result in a validation error (name/email already exists). So for instance, if I create a new block and type in a name that isn't used anywhere, I get a validation error which originates from the new block.
Example code:
Maybe switch ToReferenceWithoutVersion for something else?
Any help greatly appreciated.