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Adding a Blob selector to Dynamic Content


Hi, we are migrating from EPi6 to Epi7.5+

in our 6 dynamic controls we had (IDynamicContentControl)

  Properties.Add("someName", new PropertyUrl());

which worked fine for selecting files from our vpp,

But now our vpp files have been migrated to blobs

  Properties.Add("somePageRef", new PropertyPageReference());

Only shows page selection, not blob selection.

Is their an inbuilt property to use?

I looked in:



but found nothing useful

May 31, 2015 10:20

You could use ContentReference instead.

Jun 01, 2015 3:19

I've tried 

Properties.Add("Content", new EPiServer.Core.PropertyContentReference());

but it has no visual display when rendering in the context of a  "Dynamic content form"

I have also tried:

   Properties.Add("ContentArea", new EPiServer.SpecializedProperties.PropertyContentArea());

which outputs the text "Drag blocks and pages here" , which doesn't make sense as we are in a dialog context, so all everything else in greyed out and unclickable

Jun 01, 2015 4:33

I guess Dynic Content doesn't have support for the newer editors/property controls. Dynamic Content is kinda obsolete anyway, so try to migrate to new functionality instead if possible.

Jun 02, 2015 18:47
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