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I have hade the same thought and suspicion my self and we found this for a customer last week who complained about slow assets pane. Did not find any solution sadly. But am looking forward for one.
My first thought was that we need to add a blob size in the mediaclass like in the baseclass for imagedata..
I should probably point out that this is Episerver 9.6, older versions do not seem to exhibit this behavior.
Hi Ted,
I did experience the same problem (latest version of EPi). Downgraing ImageResizer to v3 is "resolving" the issue. Did you manage to find a solution?
We discussed the same issue in this thread and downgrading is doing the trick for both of us. Not sure why though. But it seems that imageresizer might have done some changes that I am not aware of.
Regarding NuGet package. Not sure if that was the right decision, but there is 2 type of package versions. 3.x is for ImageResizer v3.x. 4.x -> for latest ImageResizer.
There has been an issue with IR to kick in pipeline for the previous version (3.0). Please use latest version - 3.0.1.
And give feedback about versioning of the NuGet package. It follows similar path as you may experience for EF, Asp.Net Mvc and other packages. If this is not obvious - I'll change versioning.
Thanks! (Thanks Eric for the answers)
I'll did some smoke tests on v4 of ImageResizer, but guess - there has to be more covered tests.
The only thing that is changed between v4 and v3 -> plugin name in web.config (IR changed plugin system naming conventions a bit) and references to IR v4 assemblies.
Thanks everyone for helping! I'm not very keen on downgrading to ImageResizer 3, mainly because it feels like "giving up" instead of actually resolving the issue. :)
Valdis, regarding the versioning: I think a single NuGet package where the major version number and dependency aligns with ImageResizer's major version is the right way to go. Thanks for keeping it current!
This code in EPiServerBlobPlugin fix the problem
private void OnPostAuthorizeRequestStart(IHttpModule sender, HttpContext context) { if (context.Request.Url.ToString().Contains("Thumbnail?epieditmode")) return; ...
Have you made pull request to correct repo? This is official repo for the NuGet package
While switching Episerver's built-in thumbnail generator for ImageResizer I noticed something peculiar. I might be missing something really basic here, but it seems to me the thumbnail URLs in the assets pane actually produce full-size images as opposed to the thumbnails?
The URL in the assets pane looks like:
That URL produces the full-size image, even though it's shrunk to 48x48 pixels through CSS in the assets pane.
However, if I remove the ,,123 part of the URL...
...I do get the thumbnail of the image.
So what am I missing? How come the assets pane isn't actually rendering the thumbnail image?