Localization of dynamic content property names in Episerver 7



I'm developing a new dynamic content "type" in Episerver 7 (pre 7.5) and I am trying to localize the property names for the type without putting all the names under pagetypes->common in the lang xml files as described here.

Does anyone know if this is possible and if so what the expected structure in the lang xml is?

Per Atle

Feb 19, 2016 14:03

Since Episerver 7 has support for rendering both pages and blocks in tinymce editor I would recommend going that way instead. Dynamic content is the way to go for Episerver version 6....

Feb 19, 2016 14:54

Hi Daniel,

Support for rendering blocks in tinymce was not introduced until Episerver 7.5 as far as I know (see here), and it is not likely that the solution I am working on will be upgraded to that version any time soon. 

Thanks for the suggestion though!

Per Atle

Feb 19, 2016 15:04
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