Hi Sam,
You were probably better off starting a new thread opposed to dredging up one that was this old!
Regardless, you can't use the FormsSubmissionFinalized
event. What you'll need to do is add a custom DataSubmissionService (EPiServer.Forms.Core.Internal) implementation and override the BuildReturnResultForSubmitAction
method, as per this example:
public class CustomDataSubmissionService : DataSubmissionService
protected override SubmitActionResult BuildReturnResultForSubmitAction(bool isJavaScriptSupport, bool isSuccess,
string message, HttpContextBase httpContext, FormContainerBlock formContainer = null,
Dictionary<string, object> additionalParams = null, SubmissionInfo submissionInfo = null,
Submission submission = null, bool isProgressiveSubmit = false, string redirectUrl = "")
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
message = $"{message}<p>Example.</p>";
return base.BuildReturnResultForSubmitAction(isJavaScriptSupport, isSuccess, message, httpContext,
formContainer, additionalParams, submissionInfo, submission, isProgressiveSubmit, redirectUrl);
You can easily switch out the default implementation:
public class FormsInitialization : IConfigurableModule
public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
context.ConfigurationComplete += (o, e) =>
context.Services.AddSingleton<DataSubmissionService, CustomDataSubmissionService>();
public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
This will append "<p>Example.</p>" to the end of your success message (regardless of the form or the message) but it hopefully gives you enough to get started.
I need to customise the "Display message after form submission" displayed to a user after submitting a form using EPiServer Forms. I have a message set already and I need to add a unique reference number to this message for the user once the form is submitted.
I see there is a DataSubmissionService which has a FormsSubmissionFinalized event, is this the best thing to use? If so, how do I implement this? I can't see anything obvious. Are there any other approaches?
Thanks in advance,